Telegram Privacy

As a matter of fact, people who use social media need its privacy. It should be mentioned that privacy is really important for those who are using applications. Telegram messenger is one of the applications which most of people use it all over the world. That’s why its privacy is really valuable for its users. Well, privacy is able to protect your personal data. Two fundamental principles of Telegram are processing your private data and and collecting it. It means that Telegram does not use our data to show us ads. And it only stores the data which it needs to function as a secure and also full of features messaging service. Actually, this app has many features that some of them make users feel more secure and safe. So that they will control this app’s privacy. In this article, we will explain some of them.

telegram privacy

What Are Telegram Privacy Features Which We Need To Use?

 Telegram Privacy Support Lock Chats

In fact, there are many privacy features. One of them is locking chats. Telegram lets you lock chats and you can unlock using a pin or your phone’s fingerprint sensor. For enabling chat locking, go to Setting and then Privacy And Security and after that Passcode lock.

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Proxy Servers

Another privacy feature which Telegram supports is Proxy Servers. By connecting to a custom proxy server, users will be able to hide their IP address. Proxy does not act like VPN. So it will not make problem on your Internet speed. For setting up a proxy Server, you need to go to Setting. Then, Data and Storage. And after that, Proxy Setting.

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Control Who Can Or Can’t Add You To Groups

For controlling this feature, go to Setting. Then, Privacy and Security and after that, tap on Groups. There you can set that who can add you to groups.

telegram privacy

To increase Telegram group and channel members use megatelegram.

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