It is clear for everyone that many people all around the world are using messaging apps. And Telegram application is one of those messengers. And it has become really popular among those people who use it. Its users can do a lot of different activities on it. As example, they can send messages, photos, videos, or any other media that they want to share. Creating groups and also channels on Telegram is one of its options. Users can easily create channels or groups and do their businesses online. An important option that we want to explain about it is unpinning a message in a Telegram channel. Actually, you can do it in some easy steps. In this article, we have prepared some useful information about how to unpin a message in a Telegram channel. So we suggest you be with us and continue reading.
To unpin a message in a Telegram channel follow the steps that we mention them. At first, you need to open Telegram messenger on the device that you use. Then, you must open the channel that you want to unpin a message in it. Next, you must find the pinned message that you want. You need to notice that you can unpin a message that you have already pinned it. Afterwards, after opening the chat, you will be able to see pinned messages. After that, click on the pinned message and tap on Unpin. Finally, you will notice that your message is unpinned on the channel.
If you have Telegram groups and channels, you will need many members. Megatelegram gives you real members for your groups and also your channels. This great panel has become very popular among its users all around the world. And it also has many active users.