In all countries all around the world many people use Telegram application. And it has become really popular among its users. It has many active users. People use Telegram for a variety of different reasons which they may have. As instance, they install it for personal usages or for their businesses. They can do many things on it. For instance, they can send messages, voices, photos, videos, and any other media. Telegram users are also able to have video and voice calls. They can easily create groups. This feature is really great and important for users. They can pin their messages on their groups. Well, in this article, we are going to explain about Telegram groups pinned messages. So we suggest that continue reading and get useful information.
Actually, by creating groups in Telegram messenger admins can easily share massages for a large number of members which are in their groups. Groups are great places for sharing everything that you want. And all members who are in your groups can have access your messages. Fortunately, Telegram has a great option for its users, Telegram groups pinned messages.
To pin the messages on Telegram, follow these steps. At first, open Telegram on the device that you use. Then, open the chat group that you want to pin the message in it. After that, find the message that you want. Afterwards, tap on it. Finally, a menu will appear. Tap on pin. Now, you have Telegram groups pinned messages.
Nowadays, a large number of people all around the world are using Telegram. And many users have created groups. Those who have groups may wan to have many members in their groups. Well, we suggest megatelegram. By using it you can get Telegram group and channel members. It also gives you post views.