It is obvious for everyone that Telegram app is a very popular and famous app among its users these days. And it has a massive number of active users all around the world in many different countries. Actually, it has many great features for all those who use it. We want to mention some of its great features. We need to note that Telegram users can do many different activities on it. For instance, they can create groups and channels, start and delete a chat. They can also make video or voice calls and share any media that they want and so on. Users can share a story on Telegram either.
In this article we are going to share some useful information about how to share a story on Telegram. So we suggest you be with us and continue reading. So after reading it, you will get information about this topic.
Sharing a story on Telegram is really easy. And users are able to do it just by following some simple steps that we are going to mention them one by one and step by step.
To share a story on Telegram, follow the following steps. The first step is that you need to open the app on the device that you use. On the second step, tap on the Pencil icon which is at the bottom right corner of the screen to create a new message. On the third step, select the Story option from the menu at the bottom of the screen. And on the fourth step, take a photo or video or choose one from your gallery. After that, add any text, stickers or filters to your story as desired. Afterwards, tap on the Send button to share your story with your Telegram contacts. And finally, after doing all the steps that we mentioned, you will see that the story you wanted is shared on Telegram.
It should be noted that Telegram stories are only visible to your contacts who also have the latest version of Telegram installed on their devices.
We hope that you got useful information about how to share a story on Telegram. People who use Telegram app may have channels or groups for any reason that they have. And maybe they need to get members for their groups and also for their channels. So we suggest our incredible panel. To increase Telegram group and channel members use megatelegram. This panel is really great and users trust it. Because by using it you can get real members for your groups and channels. This point is really important for people who use Telegram for their businesses and so on.
And if you use Instagram messenger app, you may need or want to get followers and like. Also in this case you can use this panel. Actually, we need to notice that by using it you can also get post views for the posts that you share.