There are many channels and groups in Telegram application. Telegram users create channels and groups to improve their business. And to sell their products and also to advertise. It is clear that channels’ admins want to have many members. Because it helps channels to be known by people. If channels have a large number of members, more people will join those channels. Suppose that you have become a member of a channel, but you do not want to see the previous messages. Or you are in a channel which are many messages and you do not need them. In this case, you will delete those messages and won’t see them any longer. In this article, we are going to explain how to delete Telegram channel messages. So continue reading and learn about it.
To delete Telegram channel messages, at first, you need to click on a text-based message or the contact attachment. Then you should tap on delete. Long press on any message, and you can select any additional messages which you want to delete. Then, you need to tap on the trash icon. After that, you should click on the vertical ellipsis which are three dots on a GIF, a video, an audio file, or a contact attachment. Finally, you will tap on delete.
At first, you should open the text channel which contains the messages that you want to delete. Next, wait until the three dot icon appears on the right of the screen. After that, you should click on the icon. Afterwards, from the menu choose delete. Finally, a window opens which asks you to confirm your selections. And Telegram channel messages will be deleted.
To increase Telegram channel and group members and also post views you can use megatelegram.